2023-2024 Kids Club Registration

Please fill out one form for each child attending.
Parent/Guardian Information

Please select all that apply.
Medical Authorization

In the event of an emergency, if I am not able to be contacted, I give permission to Faith Evangelical Covenant Church, its employees and volunteers, to authorize medical treatment and to transport my child to the nearest medical facility if needed. I acknowledge that I am responsible for payment of any expenses related to such treatment for my child. I agree not to hold Faith Evangelical Covenant Church, its employees and volunteers, responsible for any injuries or other liabilities that may transpire as a result of my child's (children's) participation in the church's programs.
Please select one option.
Photo Release

I understand that Faith Covenant Church may take photographs or videos of my child(ren) which will be used exclusively for ministry purposes and not shared with any other organization. Photos of my child(ren) may be used on Faith Covenant Church’s website (faithecc.org), social media posts like Facebook and print pieces. No names or other identifiers will be used when posting digitally.
Please select one option.


Please fill out one form for each child attending.